Link map

map_options = {
            'Title' : 'Sample Link Map',
            'Description' : 'This is an example map',
            'Handle' : 'example-link-map'
my_map =
my_layer = map.add_link_layer({
            'IsVisible' : True,
            'Name' : 'Layer Name Here'
with open('data/links.csv') as csv_file:
    # Define which columns you want to add to properties
    properties = ["Name","Prop1","Prop2"]
    csv_reader = csv.DictReader(csv_file, delimiter=',')
    # Now reading CSV file line by line
    for row in csv_reader:
        link = {
            'Url' : row['URL'],
            'Latitude' : row['Latitude'],
            'Longitude' : row['Longitude']
        links = my_layer.add_links([link])
        # It's optional to add properties, but let's take a look at how you do it...
        for prop in properties:
print('Map generated : /'+my_map.Handle)

For complete reference to all possible map options and layer options, Refer Link Layer definition and Map options